DockerHub Autobuilds for Multiple Architectures (cross-compilation)

What a mouthful that title is. This post is a WIP.

I recently discovered the joys (😉) of running docker containers on armhf and arm64 machines. This is a quick guide, mostly for myself, so I can reproduce the steps to creating dockerhub autobuilding images for multiple architectures.

AKA If you have a project, hosted in a public repository like Github or Bitbucket and your project may be run in a docker container on hosts with different CPU architectures, this is how you can get DockerHub to Autobuild your project.

Start by enabling "experimental" CLI features in your docker client : (add the "experimental" key and value)

cat ~/.docker/config.json 
        "auths": {
                "": {}
        "HttpHeaders": {
                "User-Agent": "Docker-Client/17.12.1-ce (linux)"
        "credsStore": "secretservice",
        "experimental": "enabled"

and your docker daemon : (and again, add "experimental")

cat /etc/docker/daemon.json 
    "experimental": true,
    "runtimes": {
        "nvidia": {
            "path": "nvidia-container-runtime",
            "runtimeArgs": []

Either create a new repository on DockerHub using the web interface or push an existing image to DockerHub (which automatically creates the repository) :

docker push aquarat/volantmq:amd64

In your repository, create the file structure described below and populate them accordingly. The documentation for this structure can be found here.
File structure : (largely lifted from this awesome Github answer)

├── Dockerfile
├── Dockerfile.aarch64
├── Dockerfile.armhf
└── hooks
    ├── build
    ├── post_checkout
    └── pre_build

hooks/build :


docker build 
    --file "${DOCKERFILE_PATH}" 
    --build-arg BUILD_DATE="$(date -u +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")" 
    --build-arg VCS_REF="$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)" 
    --tag "$IMAGE_NAME" 



BUILD_ARCH=$(echo "${DOCKERFILE_PATH}" | cut -d '.' -f 2)

[ "${BUILD_ARCH}" == "Dockerfile" ] && 
    { echo 'qemu-user-static: Download not required for current arch'; exit 0; }

QEMU_USER_STATIC_ARCH=$([ "${BUILD_ARCH}" == "armhf" ] && echo "${BUILD_ARCH::-2}" || echo "${BUILD_ARCH}")
    | grep 'name.*v[0-9]' 
    | head -n 1 
    | cut -d '"' -f 4)

    | tar xzv



BUILD_ARCH=$(echo "${DOCKERFILE_PATH}" | cut -d '.' -f 2)

[ "${BUILD_ARCH}" == "Dockerfile" ] && 
    { echo 'qemu-user-static: Registration not required for current arch'; exit 0; }

docker run --rm --privileged multiarch/qemu-user-static:register --reset

Dockerfile -> Your standard amd64 Dockerfile.
An example of the start of this would be VolantMQ’s Dockerfile :

cat Dockerfile.armhf 

FROM golang:1.11.1 as builder
LABEL stage=intermediate

and now Dockerfile.armhf, our armhf build :

cat Dockerfile.armhf 

FROM golang:1.11.1 as builder
LABEL stage=intermediate

COPY qemu-arm-static /usr/bin/

"qemu-arm-static" is a binary executable that acts as an emulator for armhf executables. It is downloaded by the pre_build script, which is called by DockerHub during the autobuild.


cat Dockerfile.aarch64 
FROM golang:1.11.1 as builder
LABEL stage=intermediate

COPY qemu-aarch64-static /usr/bin/

In order to allow the docker container to use this emulator you’ll need to register it as a binary executable handler (this tells the kernel how to deal with specific files). This should be covered by pre_build, but in case it isn’t: In Ubuntu install qemu-user-static :


or execute a docker image :

docker run --rm --privileged vicamo/binfmt-qemu:latest

Once you’ve got this done, you can test your builds locally, like so :

DOCKERFILE_PATH=Dockerfile.aarch64 IMAGE_NAME=aquarat/volantmq:latest-aarch64 bash -c "hooks/post_checkout && hooks/build"
DOCKERFILE_PATH=Dockerfile.armhf IMAGE_NAME=aquarat/volantmq:latest-arm bash -c "hooks/post_checkout && hooks/build"
DOCKERFILE_PATH=Dockerfile IMAGE_NAME=aquarat/volantmq:latest-amd64 bash -c "hooks/post_checkout && hooks/build"

If that works, you can get pave the way for the dockerhub manifest by pushing your newly-created images to dockerhub:

docker push aquarat/volantmq:latest-amd64
docker push aquarat/volantmq:latest-arm64
docker push aquarat/volantmq:latest-arm

You may need to log your docker client in : docker login

You should then commit your changes to your repository and push.

You’ll need to annotate your manifest images :

# Create a manifest that describes your DockerHub repository
# This takes the form of the multi-arch "virtual" image and then its constituent images.
docker manifest create aquarat/volantmq:latest aquarat/volantmq:aarch64 aquarat/volantmq:armhf aquarat/volantmq:amd64

# Tag each non-amd64 image apropriately
docker manifest annotate aquarat/volantmq:latest aquarat/volantmq:armhf --os linux --arch arm
docker manifest annotate aquarat/volantmq:latest aquarat/volantmq:aarch64 --os linux --arch arm64 --variant armv8

# and then push your changes to DockerHub
docker manifest push aquarat/volantmq

# and then to inspect the result :
docker run --rm mplatform/mquery aquarat/volantmq

Connect your dockerhub account to your Bitbucket/Github account. This can be found in your dockerhub profile page :

Go back to your repository, click the “Builds” tab and click “Configure Automated Builds”.

Set up the source repository.

and then set up some build rules :

dockerhub’s build rules page

Click “Save and Build” and watch what happens. It takes a while to build.

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